Pastel raindrops on a sunny day

zondag 29 maart 2015

Lolita Blog Carnival - Where do I find my inspiration?

Making a coord stand out from the rest? Or stay do I want to wear it toned down like in the old days?
So many options when it comes to making your outfit for a meeting or an event. But even in everyday life you think about how you want to look. At least some of the days though, since I do have some lazy days where I really don't care how cute I look. So I bet you have those days as well.

This weeks theme is about where that I find my lolita inspiration. And to be honest I really don't know! My inspiration comes from many different things but mostly from other people, since you see directly if you like a certain thing or not. Let's see how I can show you a bit where I find my inspiration..

Like I said before most of my inspiration comes from other people, like my friends or random people I don't know that I find on different websites.
The main resources that I use for inspiration are Tumblr and Youtube. Also Instagram is a well used medium for me to look for inspiration, but that is mostly art related. I'm not a person that goes online and search multiple hours for inspirational photo's. Most of the time I just scroll down on the sites just to keep myself busy.

On tumblr I follow multiple tags, such as Angelic Pretty, Atelier Pierrot and other brands. But also random kawaii stuff is something that I follow. What really inspires me are color combinations or artwork mostly drawings with vibrant colors. It's really hard to write about this topic really since I don't have a specific source or how to on finding things that inspires me. It's for everyone a bit different.

But I want to give you one piece of advice, when you are looking for inspiration you aren't going to find it. Keep your mind open, enjoy the things you do and the inspiration will come to you.
Look for things that you love and like in other coords or artworks. Try to do something similar and most of all make it you own! So you can be an inspiration for someone else.

You can find more inspiration posts on these blogs

2 reacties:

  1. Wow, Poppy, ik wist niet dat dit jouw blog was! Heb wel eerder wat posts gelezen maar nooit zo op de naam gelet en nu zie ik dat jij het bent ;) Je blog ziet er mooi uit!
    X Christi (facebook)

    1. Hey Christi, dankjewel voor je reactie ^_^ Ik ben blij dat je m'n blog mooi vind.

      Liefs Poppy


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