The mori community in Holland just started a couple of months ago and last weekend we had the first meeting. In Belgium we don't have a mori community so I'm really happy that I can be a part of the dutch community as well. For myself I started wearing mori about a year and a half ago I think well I did tried it out in 2012 already with a lolita, mori crossover outfit which turned out pretty good if I can say myself. Over the years I collected many mori items but still I wasn't really sure if I did it right. I've never took the time to do some decent researched besides reading some styles blogs or browsing through pictures which ends in my style today. Still very insecure about it but I managed to attend the first mori meeting with a pretty good amount of confidence about my coord!
My trip to utrecht started pretty good, I pulled out a colorful coord out of my closest which was also very comfortable to travel in since I would be traveling after the meeting was over.
A car packed with food, picknick blankets and drawing supplies. Along with my suitcases for traveling I was on my way to Utrecht in Holland.
We arrived at 13:05 at the central station where we would all meet up, but I walked by them since I was looking for the second Starbucks coffee. The first one was way to busy! Though the second one was in restoration or so?
After I turned around I saw a group of mori girls and some familiar faces standing in front of the ticket booths. I found the group!
Everyone looked amazing especially Gabriel in his dark mori/strega coord, you can see more of him down bellow.
I didn't took the time to greet everyone at this point since I wanted to get my coffee first, what is it with me and starbucks? Must be true love.
I said hello to the whole group with a big smile on my face, I'm always so happy when I meet new people! Some on them I already knew from Facebook, other communities but some of them where also new to me. It was a bit scary to talk to everyone but I survived it after all.
The weather wasn't that great and since it was the first time that Mariska organized a meetup for the community it wasn't all going as smoothly as it should be. But I'm totally fine with this, I'm enjoying myself anyway. She did an amazing job after all, if it wasn't for her there wouldn't be a community after all I think!
We stayed inside for the first half an hour, sitting on a big artwork in from of a fancy store for old people. Well not old old people but more like a fancy boutique for your mom.
All the store lady's where checking us out while we dived into all the home made foods. Must have been a funny scene for them..
When the weather started to clear up a bit so we headed outside to find a nice place for our picknick. We still go a lot of food left! It was hard to find a nice spot inside Utrecht without traveling with public transport. None of the girls or boys knew a place where we could go so after we checked on the map for the closest green spot I took the lead when I made a photo of the little map. Since the others didn't took the lead to start walking. I guided everyone to the park that we had choose but there was a festival at that time. So after walking back we went to a little garden park and decided that we would stay the afternoon here.
It was perfect for photo's with all the little flowers, old walls and pretty people of course! Since the sun was shining it was the perfect weather for a mori meet. We sat down on the stones, it wasn't that hard on our buts as it sounds but instead it was super cozy with all the little blankets. After we made all the photo's and talked to each other a bit more we sat down on our blankets for a little introduction round. We didn't know each other that well so it was super nice to do something different than all the other meets. It was funny to hear the stories from everyone why they started with mori fashion, what their hobbies are or just some funny facts.
All the food was gone, the game was over and people started to leave. I stayed together with a couple of friends to go out for some dinner. We choose to eat Pancakes at a famous pancake house in utrecht. It was so delicious but so hard to choose from. It was really nice to talk to every single one of them on a more personal note than before at the meet up.
It was such a nice meeting and a lot different than the Lolita meetings that I'm used to. But most of all meeting different kinds of people that aren't into lolita fashion as well. Since a lot of the girls that are into lolita are also wearing or want to wear mori fashion in the future. Though I think it would be so much nicer that the lolita community stays apart from the mori community. It's not that I dislike the fact that more and more people are wearing mori but seeing the same people at every event get a bit boring over time don't you think? Or is it just me?
Well that's about it sweeties, I have some outfit photo's for you to look at. Everyone looked amazing that day and it was a true inspiration. I tried to label the different styles a bit but I found it to hard to do so I deleted it.. Have lots of fun darlings!
My trip to utrecht started pretty good, I pulled out a colorful coord out of my closest which was also very comfortable to travel in since I would be traveling after the meeting was over.
A car packed with food, picknick blankets and drawing supplies. Along with my suitcases for traveling I was on my way to Utrecht in Holland.
We arrived at 13:05 at the central station where we would all meet up, but I walked by them since I was looking for the second Starbucks coffee. The first one was way to busy! Though the second one was in restoration or so?
After I turned around I saw a group of mori girls and some familiar faces standing in front of the ticket booths. I found the group!
Everyone looked amazing especially Gabriel in his dark mori/strega coord, you can see more of him down bellow.
I didn't took the time to greet everyone at this point since I wanted to get my coffee first, what is it with me and starbucks? Must be true love.
I said hello to the whole group with a big smile on my face, I'm always so happy when I meet new people! Some on them I already knew from Facebook, other communities but some of them where also new to me. It was a bit scary to talk to everyone but I survived it after all.
The weather wasn't that great and since it was the first time that Mariska organized a meetup for the community it wasn't all going as smoothly as it should be. But I'm totally fine with this, I'm enjoying myself anyway. She did an amazing job after all, if it wasn't for her there wouldn't be a community after all I think!
We stayed inside for the first half an hour, sitting on a big artwork in from of a fancy store for old people. Well not old old people but more like a fancy boutique for your mom.
All the store lady's where checking us out while we dived into all the home made foods. Must have been a funny scene for them..
Photo by Kristina
When the weather started to clear up a bit so we headed outside to find a nice place for our picknick. We still go a lot of food left! It was hard to find a nice spot inside Utrecht without traveling with public transport. None of the girls or boys knew a place where we could go so after we checked on the map for the closest green spot I took the lead when I made a photo of the little map. Since the others didn't took the lead to start walking. I guided everyone to the park that we had choose but there was a festival at that time. So after walking back we went to a little garden park and decided that we would stay the afternoon here.
Photo by Kristina
It was perfect for photo's with all the little flowers, old walls and pretty people of course! Since the sun was shining it was the perfect weather for a mori meet. We sat down on the stones, it wasn't that hard on our buts as it sounds but instead it was super cozy with all the little blankets. After we made all the photo's and talked to each other a bit more we sat down on our blankets for a little introduction round. We didn't know each other that well so it was super nice to do something different than all the other meets. It was funny to hear the stories from everyone why they started with mori fashion, what their hobbies are or just some funny facts.
Photo by Elizabeth
Together with the lovely Kristina and Lidy
Normaly we were supposed to have a crafting meet but we had so much fun together that we played a little game called "Weerwolven van Wakkerdam". I never played it before but I think I did a great job when I won the game. It's not the easiest game to understand when you lack concentration since it can go pretty quickly. Loved the way how we played together with each other while Lidy and Anne's boyfriend sat on a bench to read some books together. They waren't in the mood for playing the game so it was totally fine that they did something else.
Playing games
The mori book club
Selfie wall with gorgeous people
It was such a nice meeting and a lot different than the Lolita meetings that I'm used to. But most of all meeting different kinds of people that aren't into lolita fashion as well. Since a lot of the girls that are into lolita are also wearing or want to wear mori fashion in the future. Though I think it would be so much nicer that the lolita community stays apart from the mori community. It's not that I dislike the fact that more and more people are wearing mori but seeing the same people at every event get a bit boring over time don't you think? Or is it just me?
Well that's about it sweeties, I have some outfit photo's for you to look at. Everyone looked amazing that day and it was a true inspiration. I tried to label the different styles a bit but I found it to hard to do so I deleted it.. Have lots of fun darlings!
All outfit photo's are from Kristina, thank you so much sweetheart!
Oooh, jouw post is echt veel mooier dan die van mij! Mooi gedaan!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMaar je zegt dat de meet heel anders was dan lolimeets; wat was er dan zo anders? De activiteiten of de sfeer?
De sfeer was vooral heel anders voor mij, het voelde heel erg casual aan omdat het niet echt gebaseerd was op hoe iedereen eruit ziet. Bij lolita moet alles net even beter zijn dan de vorige keer althans zo is dat voor mij dan toch, daar ligt de druk een heel stuk hogen over hoe je eruit ziet enzo ook al is dit onbewust.
VerwijderenBij deze meeting was het vooral de losse sfeer die er hing en gewoon gezellig samen zijn met elkaar zonder enige druk. Echt heerlijk!