vrijdag 15 december 2017

My top 3 regrets and how to prevent them

So when it comes to lolita fashion we all have our fair share in things we wish we could have done better. That's why I'm joining in this weeks Lolita Blog Carnival topic which is,

5 Regrets: Items you regret not buying when you had the chance!

When I think about my biggest regrets of items that I wasn't able to buy even when I had the chance makes me really sad to be honest. There was always something holding me back or faith just walked true and decided it was not the time of getting this item. 

Let me tell you some stories about my regrets.

Welcome to the Sweets Hexenhaus 
by Baby, the stars shine Bright

The release of this dress was in 2013, at that time I wasn't able to fit in a lot of brand dresses so this dress landed on my never ending wishlist. Cause I wasn't sure it would fit me. Hoping that I would fit in a Btssb dress one day and this would be the one. After loosing a lot of weight over the years this dress could be one of my own so the hunt could start. I searched multiple times on Closet child for this specific cut and colorway but I was always to late. This isn't a dress that you see a lot of the time on the sales pages so my heart always skipped a beat when I would do a search on the different sites. I even browsed through the Japanese auction sites to find this dress. Time passed by and one of my friends found a listing on a Japanse sales site and I needed to have this dress no matter what. I asked my shopping service to buy this dress and everything went smoothly, there was great contact until I saw that the listing was gone but I didn't received the email that I was hoping for. 
There went something wrong when making the payment from my shopping service to the seller and in the end I lost the dress. The listing was gone and all the contact with the seller was over as well. Even though they agreed on the price and everything. This was definitely not the happiest day of my life when I read that email. 

So I'm still regretting that I wasn't able to buy the dress when it first came out or hunting down this dress a bit more in the past years. To this day I'm still hunting on this dress so if you ever see this dress popping up somewhere in this color and cut please let me know! 

Vintage Cameo
by Metamorphose temps the Fille

This dress is on my wishlist just like the Sweets Hexenhaus from the day it was released. Due to the financial situation I was in I wasn't able to afford it. And I'm still bumped about it. 
Though buying something when you don't really have the extra money for it isn't the best thing to do. This dress pops up on the sales quite often though I haven't bought it cause I often find it to highly priced or it's the wrong version. Did you knew that the first release was printed upside down? That is definitely not something I want on my dress. 
I had the chance of buying this dress second hand but somehow I didn't do it and when the re-release came around I missed out on the colorway that I wanted. 
This dress is highly on my wishlist, on the second place to be exactly! I think that's why I don't want to spend a lot of money on this one before I find the Sweets Hexenhaus. 

Christmas Gift 
by L' Esprit De La Noblesse

The stunning Christmas dress by L' Esprit De La Noblesse needs to be in this list too. This dress was released in December 2016 and I fell in love with the print and design of the dress. It reminded me so much of the Nutcracker that I needed to have it. I followed the updates on this dress every single day until it was time for the sales. Their Etsy store only had one or two listings online and where always sold out. But somehow new listings popped up now and then and you where able to buy it. I messaged the owner of the store to ask if they would be still available after a few days and she was 100% sure about it cause there was enough fabric left to make plenty of dresses. Though when I wanted to place my order a couple of days later she told me that it wasn't able anymore. 
I truly regret not getting this dress the first time around but I keep wishing for a re-release of this print. Later this year I messaged the store again with a little wish, if they would consider a re-release for this dress. And guess what they did!!! I stalked the site again for updates and when it was the day of the re-release I stalked and refreshed the webpage for over 3 hours just to be sure I wouldn't miss out again. All of my stalking and wishful thinking paid off in the end, cause I ordered the re-release of the Christmas Gift dress and I can not wait to wear it!

Other than these three dresses I regret a lot of small things like not buying sweet jewellery and accessories from Moon Bunny when they where at the Urban Fairytale event in Hamburg. You can watch my vlog from Urban Fairytale here. I was on the hunt for classic items and not so much sweet items. But now that I look back at it my sweet jewellery is seriously on a short hand and I wear the same things over and over again. Which is bothering me big time! I planned on an order from Moon Bunny but the high shipping combined with all the items that I want isn't something I'm up for at this point. My order was over the 150 euro without shipping so maybe I need to save up some money first.

And one other this that I regret not buying and still don't buy for some unknown reason are cut-sews from Angelic Pretty. Currently I own one and I really love to wear it. I find the new price way to high and buying second hand from closet child isn't going to happen soon either. I tend to spend my money on dresses rather then on smaller items like blouses or accessories. So this is always a regret that comes back at me and yet I don't learn from it. Maybe I can take some of my following advice for not having these regrets next year. 

How to prevent your regrets,

Or keep the damage to the minimum at least. 

  • Make a goals list for next year

List the items you want to buy no matter what, write them down and hang the list up on your wall or somewhere you will see it every single day. This is what helped me in 2016 to keep on track with the things I wanted to buy that year. I was able to cross everything off which felt amazing. 

  • Make a piggybank for your must have items
When you save a small amount of money every single week or month you are able to make a little splurge now and then when you see your ultimate dream dress or jump on a new release that you need to have cause it fits your style and taste so well. 
This is something that I really need to do myself, not having a separate lolita piggybank keeps me most of the times from getting dream items or new releases that suit my style. 

  • If you want an item and you have the funds for it, GO FOR IT!
This is by far the most importend one in this little list. I regret so many things for not buying when I had the funds for it due to my constant doubting if it would be the right thing to do cause it involves a lot of money especially when we are talking about dresses. But in the end most of the times I do regret it not getting it in the first place and being doomed to hunt it down on auction sites. Or pay an even bigger price for it as well. So I would say if you have the money for the item that you want to buy and you really love it, go for it and buy the item. Enjoy your purchase to the fullest instead of regretting it for not buying it when you had the chance.

This post is in collaboration with Lolita Blog Carnival.
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5 opmerkingen:

  1. I've seen Welcome to the Sweets Hexenhaus several times, but like you said, never in that exact cut and colour. In fact this is the first time I'm seeing this cut (or I just never paid enough attention to it in the first place). I really hope you find it, you would look amazing in this!
    Also, I know it's not the same, but they have a very similar aesthetic - have you checked out Sweet Dolly House? They're very similar to Moon Bunny, also from Russia, and currently have a lucky pack with 7 pieces in on their Etsy for about £30 + £5 postage to Europe (so around €40 total?), so while it takes away the control of what you get, it could be a cheaper way of getting an assortment of Sweet Lolita accessories/jewellery?

    I agree with the advice too! I have a 4-way 'piggybank': a savings account (because once it's on a whole other account that I don't have a card for and would have to login separately to, it's too much effort for me to take money out of it unless I really need/want to), a tin where I put £20/week in cash (so that could go towards events spending money or something), a separate PayPal account for Lolita (so if I sell anything or get paid in Japanese Yen for any translations I do, it's there and I only use that for Lolita purchases) and then making sure that I keep an eye on my current account and always have at least £200-300 on there to use. But in all fairness, this is excessive and even just one or two of these would work quite well together with a strict wish list. It's also good to add to your wishlist how much you're prepared to pay. I know that I have items that I definitely want and those that I would quite like to own, but am not prepared to spend more than X on, which helps keep my spending in check a little better. Especially if you have a good idea on how much something usually costs, then you should be able to have a good guess at what is a reasonable price and what is a reasonable offer.

    1. Thank you so much for the tip about Sweet Dolly House! I've seen their items before but somehow I can't remember their shop name when I look for things online. I agree with having a max budget for certain dresses, the Vintage Cameo dress popped up on lacemarket plenty of times but for my taste a bit over budget or just for sale at the wrong time.

    2. Definitely. Some dresses are worth more than others (in general or just to us), but sometimes the Lolita second hand market works in odd ways and dresses that aren't that rare or sought after still cost a bit too much when they appear for sale. That contrast is especially visible between the Western sales, like Facebook or Lacemarket, and Japanese ones: auctions, Closet Child and Wunderwelt.

  2. I'm also in love with Vintage Cameo as well! It's such a lovely piece but I agree that the price for it that people are asking is not that lovely. I remember it being printed the first time upside down but had forgotten about that til you mentioned it. What colorway are you looking for? It's not a priority piece for me so if I see the one you are looking for at a decent price I'll drop you a line.

    1. I'm looking for the blue colorway, there are many up for sale at this point but not in the price range I'm willing to pay for it at this moment. It is such a lovely print!
